
Why you and not me or us? Because I don’t play by society’s games. And that includes religion, culture, government etc. They are just words to me. Ideals of a declining civilization. Sorry, getting a bit melodramatic and off the point here. Religion is permeating the governments, almost every one in the world, and has for centuries. Here, I am focusing on the US and its states’ governments. People say this country was founded on Christian principles, and that the founding fathers (and I guess mothers also), all believed in these principles, and wove it into the Constitution and so on and so forth. Well first, it was borne out of freedom OF religion. Secondly, the founding fathers wanted a separation of Church and State, because they didn’t want the European model of any particular religion having power over the government, and persecuting competing religions. They also didn’t want laws passed that were “justified” by “God’s will” or the like. They also did not put “In God We Trust” as our motto, that was put in much later by some fucktards that wanted to push Christianity into the government (assumedly because the impending infusion of Far East religions, and the Hebrew and Islamic religions, that were being brought in by immigration).
The US motto, originally, was E Pluribus Unum; Out of many, one. Had nothing to do with religion or god/s. Nowhere in the constitution is there mention of God, or the like. Religion was only put in to ensure the freedom to it. Whichever religion, or no religion, or multiple religions, were and are protected, in the Constitution. This will probably be an ongoing Blog, and I’ll name it the same, except with numbers so you the reader (and my inner dialogue) will know. Basically the point of this post, is for all those revisionist historian politicians, stop using the constitution to push your religious agendas…either that or get a frikkin’ education!
Jul 10, 2012 | Categories: General, Political, Ranak | Tags: Christian, Civilization, Constitution, E Pluribus Unum, Government, In God We Trust, Religion | Comments Off on Religion, Government, and You Pt. 1 by Ranak Jones
Have you noticed that the sun seems larger in the sky? Or that the days seem longer than normal (yeah, I know, it’s summer…shut your head and read on!). Warm winter, sweltering summer. It’s not global warming effect, or whatever you want to call it. It may be a factor, but not the overall reason. Now this is all conjecture, but I think we’re getting closer to the sun. And not just for the season. I think the Earth’s orbit is inching closer to the sun, or the sun is expanding, or (and this is where my money is) our poles are flipping. Any way it looks bad.
Why do I think this? Well, it’s theorized that every so often (like millennia) our axis flips polarity. Some theorize that this is what separated the different ages of the dinosaurs, and possibly the Ice Age (although I don’t agree totally with that). Think about it. We always talk about the extinction of the dinosaurs…but we’ve had not just one extinction. Each “Age” has completely different types of dinosaurs. Very rarely is there mention of overlaps. I sometimes hear of evolution, but to have all the species evolve at relatively the same time seems odd/fortuitous. I think the axis flipped, and each time wiped out large quantities of the dinosaurs, created havoc in the ecosystem, and then the ones who survived had to adapt or die off. There is the evolution. There are times when an evolution is sped up due to calamities in the environment. A bug will be sprayed with a poison, and many would die, but over time they build up an immunity to the poison. Same reasoning. If they were never sprayed, they never build up that immunity, and they don’t evolve with that one extra immunity. From this, I say, what will we call North America if it is south of South America?
Jul 08, 2012 | Categories: General, Political, Ranak | Tags: Axis Polarity, Fuck, Global Warming, Stupid Fuck | Comments Off on Ooo, it’s hot! by Ranak Jones
EU strikes down ACTA. Good for internet freedom…bad for artists. Also good for artists. ACTA would severely hinder internet freedoms, and then we would have to enact the Internet Bill of Rights, and possibly protest and revolt and throw some wireless routers intoBostonHarboror something. Instead, the ones most responsible for creating and writing the act struck it down, essentially giving it the death sentence. It’s bad for artists because now there works can be copied, distributed, and used without their permission…or so they say. It’s also good for the artists, the ones that aren’t so huge that they’re making millions by the month (or something like that). It’s good for the new, unknown, struggling, underground, not so big artists. This gets their works out to the world. And someone may download their MP3 without paying them, but that’s one more person listening to them. Isn’t that the reason someone is an artist? To get your art out there. To be appreciated. Not to make money. If you’re in it to make money, you aren’t an artist, and should stop claiming to be. Don’t get me wrong, artists need to eat too, but when the focus is on how much is this going to get me, instead of this needs to be seen/heard/experienced, etc. You hear me Metallica? You’d be nothing without piracy.
Jul 07, 2012 | Categories: Business, Jayesh | Tags: ACTA, art, Internet Bill of Rights, Jayesh Mehta, Metallica, piracy | Comments Off on ACTA by Jayesh Mehta
I don’t want to sit here and pick on Airbus, but their timing was bad, and here they are. For two years, Airbus has had to pull out of flight displays at the Farnborough Airshow. To me, this shows the lack of confidence that it can perform adequately. Yet, they feel they will still be able to deliver an order at the end of the year toFrance. I hope they can. Many companies out there will promise the world to their customers and then deliver them a big steaming pile. After that, they “fix” the problems with band-aids and more promises. Sometimes this works. Sometimes it only works for a while. There are ways to prevent this, and save valuable time and resources in the future. I am surprised that more companies don’t follow this. Test your product out beforehand, and not just under one scenario, but many. I know time may be a factor. The business may have promised a certain date, and for various reasons, you may be up against a deadline. It’s worth paying OT to test all night, for a few nights/weeks/months, rather than trying to fix it after the fact (possibly pushing future products/projects back, or wasting resources that could be used on the future product/project). It’s called planning, and holding all departments accountable for their personal deadlines. If you let one department slack off, and miss their deadline, it can push the other departments past theirs, and ultimately, shortcuts will be taken, and problems will arise. If that isn’t bad enough, think about the customer. They’re going to unhappy and pissed, at the best. They also won’t help with one of the biggest marketing tools: word of mouth.
Jul 06, 2012 | Categories: Business, Jayesh | Tags: accountability, Airbus, deadlines, Jayesh Mehta, scheduling | Comments Off on Airbus: A400M – Not Uncommon Issues by Jayesh Mehta
Ok, so I’ve been ripping on things, and been a relatively large ass. That’s OK, there’s a lot of shit out there to come out. But right now, positivity. George Takei. The man is one of the funniest fucks out there! He’s gay, he’s loud, and he’s proud. He makes fun of his gayness. He makes fun of his fame. He makes fun of the things that gave him that fame. He posts memes on Facebook like he’s Twittering. He tweets on Twitter like he’s, well, on Twitter. Half his posts/tweats are light serious, the other half is twisted humor. I think I want to see “Allegiance” just because he’s in there (and seemingly proud of the fact). All I can say now is “Oh myyy!”
Jul 06, 2012 | Categories: General, Ranak | Tags: Awesome, George Takei | Comments Off on Ranting and Raving by Ranak Jones
Apple seems to be winning all sorts of court cases in regards to its patents…but do these patents give them a monopoly in the phone and tablet industries? I can’t go into the tech and their similarities and differences, mainly because I don’t have that type of expertise. What I can say is that some of these suits seem frivolous and spiteful. And not just Apple’s suits. Samsung, Google, Microsoft, HTC, and Apple all seem to be fighting in every conceivable court in the world. One of the patents that there is a fight about is the technological ability that allows users to dial a phone number by tapping on it in an e-mail. Basically, to me anyway, it seems as though Apple is saying that if anyone dials via this way is in violation of its patent. If that’s true, then wouldn’t that give Apple an unfair advantage in the phone market? It’s a bit of coding that allows this. There are different ways to code things, but essentially the codes have the same commands, and there is only so many ways to code things efficiently. So Apple came up with the code first, how long should they have exclusive rights? It’s like Ford suing GM for using a combustion engine…too simplistic? How about the door handle? Someone designed it. Someone patented it. How long should they hold that exclusive patent? Some will argue that Apple came up with it, so they should have the rights to it. Good. Then make it so that these other companies have to pay for the licensing. Just like the suits against Samsung in the EU regarding overpricing. They at least are offering tech up. So if Apple would offer the tech, for a price, then the only issue would be fair and competitive pricing. Granted this is a simplistic view of these Patent Wars, and no doubt the lawyers will come up with tons of intricacies within the law, but these suits are clogging up the courts. The courts that are paid with public funds. Then there are the lawyer fees. No, they are not paid from public money. They are paid by the companies involved. So what? Well, those costs will be passed onto the consumer…you think these companies will take a smaller profit margin if they don’t have to? So the government pays, with the taxpayers’ money. And the consumer, who is also a taxpayer, pays by buying the product. Not exactly fair.
Jul 05, 2012 | Categories: Business, Jayesh | Tags: Apple, Google, HTC, Jayesh Mehta, Microsoft, monopoly, Patent Wars, Samsung | Comments Off on Apple, Samsung and the Patent Wars by Jayesh Mehta
What a sick fuck! Just as bad, Paterno. He was friends with the pervert. He covered for the sicko. Penn Staters will say no, Paterno is innocent. He would never do that. He is God, and God wouldn’t allow that. He was deceived. Ummm….NO! He knew, He covered because his ego couldn’t take any tarnishment. And then he denied knowing until he died. He thought things would never come out, but they did. Paterno was an accomplice after the fact. He may not have done the fondling, but he never stopped the hands that were.
You want facts? Fuck the facts! Sometimes you just know. He won’t be prosecuted because 1) he’s dead and 2) no one inHappyValleywould touch him (when he was alive…). You can say that he’s dead, so let his soul rest in peace. That’s assuming you believe in the soul, and that he’s actually in some heaven instead of some ring of hell. That’s also not taking into account all those kids that lives were ruined/damaged. These kids will have years of therapy, and still may have issues…and those are just the ones who admit it, and think that they are not to blame for what happened. So all those who want to let the dead man be, fuck you!
Jul 03, 2012 | Categories: General, Ranak | Tags: Paterno, Pervert, Sandusky | Comments Off on Sandusky by Ranak Jones
You’ve heard it before: We’ve lost our morals, we’ve lost decency, we’ve lost our way. Yeah, it’s true, with a caveat. The caveat is that we’ve been lost for centuries…millennia even. Our moral decay began before the Kim Kardashians, Paris Hiltons, Octomoms. It was always there, now it’s just OUT there. The common man has always been fascinated with the uncommon, the rich, the famous, the perverse. Why? Because they are more interesting than us, and their faults make us feel better about our little idiosyncrasies. Does this make our fascination right, or even healthy? I say no. We can be better than this. We watch the gruesome, so we are shown the gruesome. If we say no, and stop rubbernecking, then we will be shown something else, something better, something that we can make us proud of our society.
Sounds like I’m getting all moralistic on your asses, but I’m not. Televangelists pimping religion is just as bad, even worse probably since they are feigning morality. What I’m trying to point out is that we need to be more involved with our own lives, not others. If that life happens to be Jersey Shore-like, than so be it. If that life is all about sexual conquests, or sexual “deviation” (deviating from normal, what is normal?), than fuck away. I don’t give a schlock what your life consists of, but stop trying to make yourself feel better by watching some tralk trying to be interesting. Their BS doesn’t make your BS go away, it just means you’re trying to ignore it. Stop being in denial, accept who you are, and that dren out there will dissipate.
Jul 02, 2012 | Categories: General, Ranak | Tags: Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Trash | Comments Off on Declining Culture by Ranak Jones
Jindal, you stupid fuck. “Oh, I’m not going to follow the mandates set forth by the federal government because it’s unconstitutional!” Dumb ass, you wouldn’t even be in office if that argument had held water 40-50 years ago. Your parents would never have come here.Louisiana, the state where we keep on fighting the Feds, and lose. What’s worse is that people there elected him…and still believe in him. He could care less about what the Louisianan thinks. He just likes his mivonks stroked…and his ego. He wants to be a power. Dude you’d be lucky to get that stick out of your ass. Again, I don’t agree or disagree with Obamacare, but if you want to fight the thing, stop being an effing baby about it. Holding your breath, saying “No, I don’t wanna,” doesn’t work. You’re fucking with your constituents. Get the shit ready just in case you can’t get the law repealed, but fight it, help get people elected that could help get it repealed, do anything instead of nothing.
Jul 01, 2012 | Categories: Political, Ranak | Tags: Jindal, Obama, Stupid Fuck | Comments Off on Louisiana by Ranak Jones
So, the Health Care Bill passed the SCOTUS. Good for business. Ok for consumers. Why? Because I effing said so! And I’m an expert. Seriously, this broadens the customer base for insurers, which the big boys will dominate (a few scraps will be given to the little insurer guys). Not so good for consumers, because now you have to pay for something you may never or hardly use or want. Not just the poor, but the rich. Think about it, you have a billion dollars, do you need to get insurance and waste your money? Also, this is another restriction upon the common schlub’s freedom. Communism bad? Socialism coming? It’s been here for almost a century, bit by bit, it came. Made you feel warm. Made you feel proud to help the helpless. All the while giving away pieces of freedom’s soul. So am I against “ObamaCare” or for it? Yes.
Jun 28, 2012 | Categories: Business, Political, Ranak | Tags: ObamaCare, Ranak, RogueAsshole, Rush Bites | Comments Off on Good for Business? By Ranak Jones
Ha! Now that “A Rogue’s Guide” is done and out, all that’s left is to do some promoting and work on some new project. Right now I am working on something totally opposite of “A Rogue’s Guide”. No Sci-Fi, no business, no non-fiction. It’s a story that I was working on a while back, had finished, but never edited/changed from the original draft. I now have the time (a little anyway) to do that. Hopefully this will be out in the next few months. Never fear, Ranak and I will be working more on the “Rogue’s Guide” series in the near future, with maybe some more twists and turns.
Jun 27, 2012 | Categories: General, Jayesh | Tags: Jayesh Mehta, Ranak Jones, Rogue's Guide | Comments Off on The News by Jayesh Mehta